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Here's where to get to free Oddballz downloads, information on the game, and links to other (perhaps better?) Oddballz sites.

It's also where the news is.

The Oddballz News

8/23/02 The Oddballz Game Info page is currently on hold, owing to the fact that I can't figure out how to make it look nice. Therefore, do not sit on the edge of your seat waiting for it to show up; instead, look at the one at Oddballz Neo.

7/14/02 Here's the new and improved New Island Oddballz. There seems to be a little confusion as to the nature of the Giftshop, so I will clear it up.
The original intent of the site was to make you feel like you were in some sort of huge building. If you were in such a place, with all sorts of sections, would you expect to find cash registers with stuff in front of them all over the place? No, you'd go to one gift shop.
I kept the single download page (which can be gotten to from all over the site) to make getting to things easier. (Soon, you'll be able to go straight to what you want.)
In short... All the Giftshop's downloads are free. Okay? Good.
In other news, check out the new additions to NIO, and also stop by the Giftshop for the Lemmings song for your Pop Box and the new, revamped Byte egg.

Downloads in the Gift Shop | Oddballz Game Info | Other, Better Oddballz Websites